Virtue exists to show women how to live uncommon in a common world. The world teaches women to be insecure, seek attention, and make decisions with only herself in mind. However, the Bible says more.
Virtue exists to show women how to live uncommon in a common world. The world teaches women to be insecure, seek attention, and make decisions with only herself in mind. However, the Bible says more.
This is a verse I’ve known for a long time. But I honestly thought this was an outdated verse for my life. (I know… That’s not even possible to have an “outdated” verse, but that’s just what I thought okay?!) I thought since I made the decision to follow Jesus so long ago, that the “new creation” was now old. A new car eventually loses the new car smell. I thought I had lost the new car smell because I’ve been a Christian for so long. And I thought it was impossible to get the new back since I’m an “old” Christian.
But here’s the deal: when you decide to follow Jesus, the new you never dies. The new you lives forever. The old you dies. Your old habits, your old attitude, your old personality, your old anger issue, your old addiction all die in that instant! When you’re a new creation in Christ, His joy flows out of you. You begin to desire the things Jesus desires and you crave more of Jesus.
I don’t have to become a stale Christ-follower. I just don’t! I have asked God to pull out the “old” me and throw that junk away. Sometimes a cleanse is a little uncomfortable. Sometimes being corrected hurts a little. But it’s worth it.
The Bible talks about renewing your mind. Just like when you’re on a diet, you replace the old eating habits with new ones and you renew your health. In this season of my life, I’m renewing my mind through right thinking. I replace negative thoughts and words with positive ones. This takes practice, but right now is the best time to start.
Your new creation is the best version of you ever. Ask God what old ways need to be pulled out of you. Even if it hurts a little, listen and let God do the work. Don’t believe the lie that you’ll never get through this season. You will. You are more than a conqueror (Romans 8:31-39)!